Thursday, February 16, 2006

Hillary Clinton, the expert on 'Forthcoming'

Neal Boortz talks about Hillary's latest criticism of the White House.

"I stood slack-jawed yesterday when the Media Darling, Hillary Clinton, positioned herself in front of the cameras to announce to her anxiously waiting myrmidons that this White House just isn't forthcoming on the Cheney incident and other issues of importance to the American public. OK, Let's see. We have the Vince Foster episode. Hillary's own aides were in Vince Foster's office going through his files immediately after Foster's body was found. Those files were delivered to Hillary. They've never been seen since. How's that for being forthcoming? And then we have that matter of the Rose Law Firm billing records. The Congress subpoenaed them from Hillary. She claimed she didn't have them. She said they probably have been destroyed. Then, after two years of dodging this legal subpoena, they're found in Hillary's private office in the living quarters of the White House. They're found with her handwriting and her fingerprints all over them. Hillary dodges a subpoena for two years, and then she stands before the American public to bitch because the Bush White House hasn't been "forthcoming." Amazing. We can only hope that the majority of Americans, and a good number of American women, can see through this phony and dangerous politician's lies and distortions."


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