Monday, March 06, 2006

Hillary claims ignorance yet again

Neal Boortz writes yet another insightful piece on Hillary Clinton's alleged lack of information regarding another political figure. Her husband.

The Democrats haven't done a complete 180 on something this big in a very long time. The political party that has been trying to convince us that there isn't really a need for the War On Terror...that there is no terrorist threat....has suddenly taken up the issue. With their opposition to the ports takeover, suddenly Democrats are worried about Islamic terrorism again.

This, by the way, includes New York Senator Hillary Clinton. The Hildabeast, who is running for re-election in the Senate this year and president in 2 years, hasn't let up on George Bush since the deal was announced. But now there's a new twist! New information! A delicious new angle!

While Hillary was out on the Senate floor opposing the deal, her husband was on the phone trying to get it pushed through. Now THAT'S teamwork. It seems 'ole Bill has quite a track record with the Dubai government and has been working with them on the ports deal for quite some time. Naturally, we might be a bit curious as to what Hillary thinks of all this. Well, the woman-who-would-be-president; the smartest woman in the world, America's greatest lawyer (before she moved from Arkansas to the Beltway) says that she was wholly unaware of her husband's lobbying.

Perhaps she was also unaware that her husband earned $450,000 giving speeches in Dubai in 2002. How about that the UAE donated $500,000 and $1 million to her husband's presidential library? I'm sure she didn't notice any of that. Once again, Hillary Clinton is exposed as a political opportunist....and a liar.

Imagine the secret deals that would be made (again) if Hillary somehow managed to worm her way back into the White House. She is very good at proclaiming "how was I supposed to know" when new information leaks out about her husband's backdoor deals with enemies of our nation.. first selling nucular weapon technology to the communist chinese, and now working out a deal to hand our ports to a muslim nation. How could Hillary, who is on the Senate Intelligence Committee, be expected to know what her own husband is doing to earn millions of dollars that would, of course, need to be declared on her own tax statement. Please, people.. even if you're a diehard democrat.. vote her out of office so we can get some integrity back in government.