Scumbag gets out of jail, is arrested within minutes

Investigators said Deputy Tonjali Frost, 37, her bail-bondsman husband and her son were at a gas station across the street from the Orange County Jail Monday night putting gas in both of their cars.
Police said when Frost's husband went into the station to pay for gas, Jerome Nez jumped into the couple's white Jeep sport utility vehicle and drove off with the family's 4-year-old still in the vehicle.
The child somehow managed to exit the vehicle by either jumping or being pushed out near the gas station. When the child was out of vehicle, Frost and her husband opened fire at the fleeing SUV. Blocks away, Ex-con Scumbag crashed into another vehicle and was taken into custody after a search of a nearby subdivison.
Nez is charged with grand theft auto and burglary in connection with the incident. "After being released from jail, Nez may not have had a ride home so investigators said he simply carjacked the deputy's vehicle," Mike DeForest said.
After an investigation, detectives learned that just weeks ago, Nez was accused of carjacking a man outside a Mobil gas station near Apopka, Fla.
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