Friday, February 03, 2006

British news determines
U.S. media is too pro-war

What most americans can only assume is a spoof clever enough to be published in The Onion, what was once a respected newspaper in the United Kingdom, The Guardian has determined through exhaustive research in a very dark room with no windows or electricity, that the US media is at 'all-time low'.

Sure, you're thinking "I've known that for years." But here's where the Guardian reveals that they're drinking the wrong Kool-Aid.

The US media reached an "all-time low" in failing to reflect public opinion and Americans' desire for trusted information, instead acting as a "cheerleader" for war, said Amy Goodman, the executive producer and host of US TV and radio news show Democracy Now!, at a news forum organised by al-Jazeera.

This is laughable as anyone in the United States can tell you how negative the news reports are regarding the War on Terror. Fabricated stories of mishandled Korans and 'torture' involving women's underwear are all the rage in the media. While first-hand accounts of muslims stabbing schoolchildren in the stomach with bayonets is largely ignored.

The article goes on to argue that the arab media is much more truthful in their lies.. I mean, reporting. And while the 'honest' work of al-Jazeera media is head and shoulders above the warmongering western news sources, the typical towelhead reporter still has obstacles to overcome.

Lawrence Pintak, a director of the Adham Centre for Electronic Journalism and a former CBS foreign correspondent, urged delegates against thinking that Arabic media were allowed the freedoms to which western journalists were accustomed.

"I am concerned that someone from the US or Europe who doesn't know the Arabic world will think that all is goodness and light when we know that is not the case," he said, citing the beating of journalists during the Egyptian elections and the detention of journalists in Yemen and Morocco.

Yes, I've been thinking of moving to Pakistan because the conditions there are so much better. Other than the 'honor killings', beheadings, raping of women and children, and imprisonment of christians, of course.


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