Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Top Ten Ways To Annoy an IRS Agent

10. Instead of I.R.S., pronounce it "IRS"

9. Whenever he starts using his calculator, start yelling out a bunch of numbers.

8. Tape all your receipts up into a giant ball and then whip it at his head.

7. Pour a jar of honey on your W-2, let a bear loose in his office.

6. Be Leona Helmsley.

5. Tell him: "You know who makes a lot of money? That Oprah."

4. Keep saying, "1040, good buddy!"

3. Whenever he disallows a deduction, say "Oh, Mr. Gotti isn't going to like that..."

2. List his wife under "entertainment expenses."

1. Keep yelling "Hey, audit this!"


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