Thank you, McCain and Feingold!
The fallout is still dropping from the radioactive legislation known as the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance "Reform" Act. Bloggers from all political affiliations are very concerned how the law will affect their ability to express their political opinions, regardless of their 1st Amendment rights.
Since the McCain-Feingold legislation took effect, political funding has been shuffled into the various loopholes, the most famous known as 527's, which are generally unregulated. In effect, the campaign finance 'reform' has caused campaign financing to be more abused now than ever. Consider George Soro's millions of dollars channeled into MoveOn.Org. In pre-reform days, the hungarian billionaire who made his money through currency speculation (often causing nationwide recessions through his influence, but at his profit) would have had his personal influence reigned into to under 1 percent of what he currently controls.
But now it seems the Campaign Finance "Reform" Act actually will start imposing restrictions. Not on millions of dollars pouring in from billionaires with an axe to grind. No, they can still do pretty much whatever they want, as long as they form a 527 group. It's YOU that will be restricted. Your personal opinions might be silenced if you want to discuss politics online. This goes contrary to everything our Constitution is founded on, and it's a travesty that George Bush signed this idiotic law. George, have you ever heard of something called a VETO?
This is still a government of, by, and for the people, isn't it? Apparently those assholes McCain and Feingold know what's best for the people. We shouldn't trouble our pretty little heads about it.
Since the McCain-Feingold legislation took effect, political funding has been shuffled into the various loopholes, the most famous known as 527's, which are generally unregulated. In effect, the campaign finance 'reform' has caused campaign financing to be more abused now than ever. Consider George Soro's millions of dollars channeled into MoveOn.Org. In pre-reform days, the hungarian billionaire who made his money through currency speculation (often causing nationwide recessions through his influence, but at his profit) would have had his personal influence reigned into to under 1 percent of what he currently controls.
But now it seems the Campaign Finance "Reform" Act actually will start imposing restrictions. Not on millions of dollars pouring in from billionaires with an axe to grind. No, they can still do pretty much whatever they want, as long as they form a 527 group. It's YOU that will be restricted. Your personal opinions might be silenced if you want to discuss politics online. This goes contrary to everything our Constitution is founded on, and it's a travesty that George Bush signed this idiotic law. George, have you ever heard of something called a VETO?
This is still a government of, by, and for the people, isn't it? Apparently those assholes McCain and Feingold know what's best for the people. We shouldn't trouble our pretty little heads about it.
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