Monday, January 16, 2006

Election Projection 2008: Iran Hands Election to GOP

The newly elected leaders in Iran are giving Kim Jong Il a run for his money as the most whacked government in the world. But unlike Kim, the President of Iran is fearless in the face of the United States. My personal opinion is that he only remembers his initial role in the Iran Hostage Crisis of the late 1970s, when his less than potent adversary was Jimmy 'Rabbitslayer' Carter. He doesn't seem to recall how the crisis became a non-issue 444 days after it began.. and 1 day after Ronald Reagan took back control of the White House, and thus our role in the world.

Now, the same Iranian nutcase is back in charge. But instead of controlling a few dozen Iranian extremists that burrowed into the American Embassy by using US citizens as human shields, he controls the whole country. His latest attempt to prove to himself that he isn't a complete whack-job is banning CNN from the country for 'misreporting' his comments.

Apparently CNN said the Iranian whacko attributed the comment "the use of nuclear weapons is Iran's right." When in fact, the President meant "we think the world is stupid enough to believe that Iran, one of the most oil-rich countries in the world, should have the right to develop nuclear energy... not necessarily for the purpose of wiping Israel of the map, as we have plainly stated on many official occasions, but also to bring down the cost of oil in our country from 12 cents a barrel, to 4 cents."

A clear trend is developing. Iran is intent on assuring its place in the world as a nuclear power that weilds its new ability much like a child that finds a hammer and suddenly views everything around it as a potential nail. This leads me to the undeniable conclusion that since the party of asses is, was, and always will be unable to confront genocidal governments, the next election will be handed to the GOP by a clear majority. The American people understand who will be firm in the face of such a threat.


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